Sitting in a low lit yoga studio, we went around the circle at a Reiki training I was facilitating:

I need something in my life to shift.

I’m going through a big period of transition and I’m not sure what to do.

I need healing.

I want to use this for my own self care.

I need to find my center.  I want to trust myself.

Everyone comes to a reiki training for different reasons.  Most of the time, participants can’t fully articulate what brought them there.  They know they want something to change or heal.  They’ve tried conventional methods and nothing has helped or answered their questions.  Why not try something like Reiki or energy-work?For a behavior, belief, of feeling to transform we need to change the actions that brought us to the present situation.Whenever my clients or myself are at one of these crossroads I think of this quote by Albert Einstein:You can't solve a problem on the same level that it was created. You have to rise above it to the next level.If you’ve been in the same rut over and over in relationships, with food or your body, in your jobs, or with the meaning of your life NOW is the time to ask yourself, “Am I trying to solve the problem on the same level I created it?”If you’re in a pattern that you seem to be repeating, I have a hunch the answer is yes.Now’s the time. Truly examine your actions. You can’t change what you aren’t aware of.  Then change directions, shake-up your norm, and try something different.  It might besomething that doesn’t make rational sense.  It’s going to feel uncomfortable. It’s going to take practice.  But, that’s where the real change happens.In the comments below, I’d love to hear the ways you’ve made lasting change (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically) and how you “rose to the next level” to do it.


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