Stop It

Ever lay in bed with a to-do list running through your head and a pit of despair winding it’s way into your belly so tight you can hardly breath?  So consumed you can’t sleep, think rationally, or find joy?  Are you snipping at loved ones and unable to enjoy the parts of your life that actually matter.This used to be my life.And then I stopped.I stopped giving my power to co-workers, bosses, random community members, well-meaning relatives, social media, my thoughts, and the grocery list.My energy was hemorrhaging out to every aspect of my life except the parts that truly mattered.  I was focused more on what I didn’t have, couldn’t do, needed to do, and wanted to change that I was missing out on my life.Completely missing it.  Making myself sick and tired in the process.  And here’s the kicker, all the to-do’s and people I was supposedly “helping” by worrying, fretting, running around to make happy... had no idea.It was all me.I was making the choice to give my life energy away.  And I didn’t realize it.If you find yourself regularly asking “What’s so-and-so going to think of me?”, “Why didn’t they respond to my email or FB post?”, “I need to do x, y, and z to keep things going smoothly.”, “If s/he would only do this, it would make my life better.”  You, my friend, are investing your energy outside of yourself.  Please stop.  Your life deserves you.I’m not saying don’t think of others.  I’m saying let your actions come from a place of authenticity and truth.  Actions made from a centered place are real.  They mean something.  Besides, you’ll sleep better when you start living from your center.  Trust me.Three quick tips on how to bring your precious juju back and start living an aligned life:

  1. Awareness.  You can't change what you don’t know.  Start noticing your thoughts, stories, beliefs, and actions.  Ask yourself, “Am I in someone else’s business and did they ask for it?”

  2. Make a choice.  Once you know better, do better.  You can choose who gets your precious life energy - you or the crazy neighbor who won’t mow her lawn?  It’s your choice.

  3. Get a journal and write.  Ask yourself, “What do I really want?”, What’s the payoff I’m getting from investing in someone else's business?”, “Can I apply the energy and “helpfulness” I am offering others to my own life?”

In the comments, I’d love to hear you declare how you’re “stopping it”… think of all the energy you’ll have for your life.




How to Hold Your Own In a Boxing Match: AKA A Beginners Guide to the Root Chakra