Psst . . . what’s that little voice inside saying?

A lot of people are thinking about change this time of year. Making resolutions. Setting goals. Creating visions. If you’re thinking about changing jobs or developing healthier eating habits, writing a novel or starting an alpaca farm, you need to listen to one thing. That little voice inside.  But here’s the tricky part. Which voice do you listen to?If you’re about to do something new, you may be hearing a voice saying:You’re too old to change jobs? Give up coffee? Seriously?Who wants to read that?Alpacas? WTF? That voice tells you that you aren’t good enough, you’re too young, too old, too boring. It says you don’t have the experience or the skills or the knowledge. You can’t hack it. Why would you even want to?Yeah. Not that voice. That voice is fear. It tends to talk pretty loud. And sometimes it has a point (like maybe you want to learn a little about alpacas before you buy your herd). But mostly fear stands between us and change. It distracts us from our souls work. There’s another voice, and it isn’t always as loud or clear, but it’s there. I’d put money on the fact that you’ve heard or felt it. That sick feeling in the pit of your stomach when you get a job offer that seems like you should take it, but . . . it just doesn’t feel right. That sense that something is off. The voice telling you that you need to get outside and feel the sun on your face. The voice that tells you the relationship isn’t healthy for you. The voice saying this is the work you were meant to do. Are you listening to that voice? Please consider it. The more you listen to that voice, the more you tune into it, the clearer it becomes. And it will never steer you wrong. (You can count on that other voice to grab the wheel and steer you into a pole—or maybe just slam on the brakes.)That little voice is your intuition. Most of us don’t listen to our intuition or follow our gut most of the time. Why? I speculate it’s because change is hard and scary. Even if it is the right thing—not the thing we should do, but the thing we NEED to do. Change, simply sitting in a place of transition whether we are actively doing something or not, is uncomfortable. And we don’t like discomfort. How can we make it better? How can we get back into the comfort zone? As good as getting back to comfort feels, those are the wrong questions. So here’s where you need to listen hard. When I really need to get clear, I do one of these things:

  • Get outside. Take a walk in the woods. Sit by the beach or a waterfall. No people, no music. Just be.

  • Journal. Let words pour out of you in a jumble. Just keep going. Write yourself to your truth.

  • Get messy. Sometimes you need to get out of your words. Play with clay. Finger paint. Dig in the dirt. Feel it.

  • Dance. Crank the music and dance it out. See what you hear in the quiet afterward.

Honestly, I bet you’re hearing the voices you need to hear. It’s time to start acting on them. If you’re ready to tune into your guiding light, I’ve got two ways to help:

  1. Listen to this free recording AND

  2. One-on-one focused work—In January and February, I’m opening a very limited number of 3-month spots to people ready to dig deep into their real work. If that little voice is raising it’s hand, click here to set up a consult.


Don’t let a holiday hangover be your way of life


When the holidays make you want to cry on the inside (Make room for "and")